Friday, November 25, 2011

True Thankfulness

As the days narrow down from the top of the year, the end of the year is near and some would say the end of the WORLD is too.  That is a whole nother subject, but I do feel that it is the signs of the times are reveakling what many are afraid of. People that are caught up in the hype the WORLD, meaning the distractions that are placed in front of the lost so they cannot find the one way to real life....JESUS!!! In future posts (maybe even a whole nother BLOG) I will discuss more spiritual matters that people should be aware of for thier own salvation......But until them I want to give thanks for the time that we are here, the family and friends that have placed around me (and from a younger sister live in Texas) and the knowlege that I do have to pass that on to those that are unaware of the happenings....I wanted to give a list of 10 things that  I am thankful for. Then I will post a little video i put together from this past Halloween party me and some friends attended ( have me the harvesty inspiration to do my Thankful List....Here GOES!!!

10 Things I am Thankful for
  1. God's grace and Jesus' undying love for us
  2. Broken genereational strongholds
  3. My boyfriend for coming in my LIFE at the time of my passion for spiritual growth and understanding the meaning of true love.
  4. Friends that I've had for ever that know the true meaning of friendship and look at it the same way I do...
  5. My Sister for having full understanding of our circumstances and always being the glue to whatever project you involve yourself in
  6. primary job.........gotta have them bennies....
  7. Manageble hair, and great hair products (THANKS Ebony of Essence) CLICK LINK
  8. Girlfriendz on the Go Hair Salon for having the same path and vision as I have
  9. For everybody that has been of assistance to me in transportation situations
  10. For the cool bike my mom got me for an early birthday gift.......
Now here are some Harvest pix of me and my friendz on Halloween (Indian Tribe) Enjoy the Slideshow and tell me what your Thankful for this year!!!!! Even if its past Thanksgiving....We should be thankful all year long

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