Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Things in the works.....

I just wanted to post a "KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED" message.  I will be uploading my newest video/slideshow of a makeup look inspired by my wonderful experience I had this past weekend (SUN 11/20/11). Myself and some friendz joined eacother for a wonderful live performance by non other than GOAPELE herself( if you don't know her music, do your research and listen to her music....amazing).  The show was so sultry.  The venue was great (thumbs up Yoshi's Oakland, Ca) and the Band was on point.  But the performance was something that was put on my TO-DO list a long time ago. 
As the day got closer and closer to the time, my excitment was building.  AND IT WAS WELL WORTH IT (I wish the few lil' ol' clips of video I did get was clear or I would have included it in my slideshow/video)

And now the GRAND FINALE of my post for the day......pictures of me and my friends and my recreated look.......WOOT! WOOT!
Now what made me upset about this whole experience was that I also recorded a semi-tutorial for this look, only for it not to pull up into my program properly, so I will try to work on that........


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